Saturday, November 9, 2013

WAIT! Don't kill me yet!!

Okay, please I beg that you hear me out before you come at me with swords drawn, lightsabers ignited, bows held at the ready etc.
My life has been crazily wild and what little free time I've had I've either been reading or writing. But I'm really sorry that I haven't posted in like a month. I don't really have any excuses that would cover that.

I have decided that November is both the most terrifying and most wonderful time of the year. And no, I don't mean just because it's cold weather and that I'll get to stuff myself on fabulous foods during Thanksgiving. 
I'm talking about... *cue long, tense music for suspense* National Novel Writing Month. *GASPS OF HORROR*
I've never participated in the challenge before. But I decided to take it up this year.
You all know about my book Twelve Blades Of War. I'm happy to report that it has grown to the surprising amount of 11625 words. I've never been a very motivate writer. It's like, "okay. Story idea. Lets see how much I can do before I'm bored with it." up until now. I've always wanted to be a big writer, but I was bored with my stories before I got the first chapter down. Yeah, I know. It's very sad. So many ideas have died. *cries as I walk through the graveyard of buried hopes*
So this is really a huge thing and a great motivation for me. I'm actually writing a novel! That thought alone has been stunning. It's been on my bucket list to write a book before I turned 16. I am actually doing this. AHHHHH!!!!!!

But yes. Other than making my brain shriek of overuse and trying to get ideas from reading, and of course school, I have no excuse for completely abandoning you guys. 
Strike me down if you may, but I'm asking for your forgiveness. It up to you to steady your hand or let all of your dissapiontment loose.

Haha, I love you guys:)


  1. Awesome! My NNWM username is 7madz, let's be friends on the website. :D

    1. I searched you and your profile didn't come up :-/ maybe you could search me. My user name is Writer4Him15. ;)

    2. Hmm. Are you using the adult/high school website or the kids one? I use the kids one, just because I get to choose what I want my word goal to be. :)

    3. Oookay that's the problem. I'm using the adult/high schooler one. Haha I thought I'd do the most I could, so I'm taking on 50,000 x)

    4. Wow! I love my story, but I don't think I could stretch it to 50,000 words. I'm wondering if I can even get 30,000. ;)

    5. Lol, I'm having the same thought. I don't think i can get that much into my book... That's stretching it. I'm guessing there will be plenty of filler chapters! haha ;)

  2. If anyone tries to striketh you down, I shalleth protect you! lol :) So glad you're back! :) I seriously missed you:) That's so cool! You're going to do great:)

    1. Lol, thank you so much! I've seriously missed you too<3 thanks:) I can't wait to let y'all read it!!!

  3. Nice to see ya!!!!! NANOWRIMO!!!!!! So glad you are doing it, it is really awesome (my first year too!!)

    1. Nice to see you also! I'm glad I'm doing it too!!! Haha yay :D I'll bet you're book will be awesome :D

  4. YOUR BACK!!! YAY!! I've totally missed you =) Yeah I've never done nanowrimo! I've often thought of it but never really did it =/ I'm writing a book right now and I'm at 28,050 words so I'm only about halfway done so it's going slowly but sometime I hope to get it published =D That would be my dream.

    1. Yeas I'm back and I hope that I'll start posting more often!!! Oh wow congratulations! That's very cool :D I wish you luck on publishing! I can't wait to read it :)

  5. Yay! You're back!! That's so awesome that you're doing nanowrimo! It seems great, but I just don't have the time :P
    How about a hug instead of a stab, hm? ;)

    1. Yep :D And I'm glad to be back!!! thanks so much!! Technically I don't have time for NaNo, but I decided why not? lol just because I'm a basket case I figured it would be a fun challenge :)
      I would gladly take a hug over a stab! *hug*


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