Sunday, November 11, 2012

Why the change?


I know!  I'm posting the next day!  WOW!  

I was just thinking about how 2 years ago, or even last year, I would have been happy with some little 5 dollar trinket from Wal-Mart....  
But now, now that I've sorta figured out what I want to do, I want some pretty expensive things....
That Canon Rebel camera I want, that is like $1,248.99.  Alone.  With one lens.  Ouch.  
I'm going to buy that though.  I think it would be better if I bought it, then I would have a sense accomplishment.  
And as for Apple iProducts, I've been wanting one of the iPods.  But after a while, i decided on a tablet of some sort.  I would have been happy with beads, books, books on tape, a CD, or new headphones.
Why the change in expense and style?  Why the sudden choice?

Curious, isn't it?   What kind of things have changed for you?  A series of books, or change of color?  


P.S.  I'm in just an odd mood....  wanting to jot things down that have no real importance.

Hope I'm not boring you to death!!!!  :-D


  1. You're so real, how could you be boring? :)

  2. Awww... Thank you Storyteller<3 That was very nice of you to say:-D I'm glad I have you as one of my followers! Maddie

  3. How many people are following my now????


  4. It's not boring!

  5. Dear Madeline,
    I could never do that I hold onto my money with a firm grip except for on birthdays and Christmas I don't know I guess I just really enjoy saving :)
    and spending makes me wince.
    Your Friend

    P.S. I wanna ask for a tablet for my birthday but I don't know they're expensive and I hate my parents to spend a lot *wince* *wince *wince*


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Your crazy random blogger,