Sunday, February 24, 2013

Please Pray

So hello everyone.  This isn't going to be a very happy post... At all.

I would just like to ask you to pray for my family and extended family.  Within the last 365 day I've lost 3 family members.

Back in June I lost a very good friend named Bob Fox.  He was the one I bought my guitar from.  He was like the funniest goofiest uncle in the world.  I really miss him.  He left behind 4 great kids and a lovely wife of over (i think) 30 years.

A couple weeks ago I lost my great grandpa on my moms side.  I never got to know my Grandfather very well.  And I regret that.

Early Friday morning I lost my Great Grandma Gilbertson on my papa's side.
The last few years have been difficult for her and for the last 2 or 3 years she was...  I don't want to say crazy, but she was reliving her past - in a manor of speaking.  Remembering trips, birthday parties, grand babies being born...  Odd little things that happened over 20 years ago.
My grandpa Gilbertson isn't saved and he just lost his wife of 65(+) years.  I love my grandpa....  I'm scared he will die of a broken heart.  My dad talked with him and he said he didn't have anything else to live for.
He is over 90 years old, he raised 12 kids and kept 2 jobs for 40 years.  He still works every day.  He has stories to tell, experience to share and if he hadn't started a family, I wouldn't be alive.  My dad wouldn't be alive.  It's because of him I am me and I have a family whom I love dearly.  He has us to live for.  And I want him to know that.

Please pray that my widowed friend Mrs. Fox and her kids will be okay.  Please pray that my widowed grandmother will be okay.  Please pray that my grandpa will be okay.  Please pray that my family will help them.

I'm sorry if I completely ruined your day or made you sad, but I felt like I needed to share.  It's hard and I know that you guys will pray for my family :')

I love you guys:)



  1. I will be praying for your grandparents, Mrs. Fox and her kids, Maddie!
    Thank you for sharing these prayer requests.

  2. I'm so sorry, Maddie!! I'll be praying!!

  3. Thank you girls!! You're real pals!



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