Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Weirdness in my life today.

I'm not kid of when I say I'm witnessing the weirdest thing in the world.

So, the people who are renting our pasture brought up 2 female lamas a couple days ago and this morning they brought three male alpacas.
I haven't made friends with the lamas because they are super aggressive and they spit at you. It's gross:-/
Well, we put the three alpacas in the pasture and pulled off their leashes and they raced to the lamas and started chasing them!
So, they put their front legs on the lamas and just chased/followed them trying to gain dominance. 
The lamas are spitting and the poor things are exhausted...
It's really weird.

Oh! They also brought up a beautiful Mustang/Pinto horse! She's so pretty and strong! Her name is Cinders:) I'll do my best to get you a picture of her! 
Right now, I'd rather not due to all the chaos:-/ the poor horse is scared out of her mind because its a new home and there are crazy looking long necked beasts going bananas.
Later gators!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome!! (not that they're spitting and lonely) But I like horses a LOT that's what I meant. Did you ride her at all yet???


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