Sunday, March 3, 2013

A recipe for the best Mac'n'Cheese on the planet!

This is my recipe!  It's delicious and I hope you try it!
This feeds about 8 hungry people:-D


1/2 stick butter (or 1/4 olive oil)
1/2 cup flour
2 cups milk
1 1/2 cups cheese (Cheddar, Swiss, pepper jack etc.)
1 1/2 lb. noodles of choice
1/2 tsp salt (optional or to taste)
1/2 tsp pepper (optional or to taste)

(set water boiling for noodles while making sauce. follow directions on package.)

Sauce:  In small pan melt butter over medium heat.  
Add flour till you have a thick paste. 
Pour milk in and mix till all lumps of flour and butter/oil are a smooth rue.  
When the rue is warm, add cheese and stir. 
Stir every 5 or so minuets till cheese is melted and you have a smooth creamy sauce.
Add sauce to noodles when done.
Top with hot-sauce, salt and pepper, or any other seasoning of choice.


Maddie :D


  1. I love your new header!SO ADORABLE!!

    1. Thanks Brittney! But yet again our wonderful fellow Storyteller designed it<3 She's great and wonderfully talented<3



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