Monday, March 4, 2013


YOLO - You Only Live Once

So my birthday was on the 23rd...  This is what I am.

I'm the person who doesn't like change.
I'm the person who climbs into a shell when there is something wrong.
I'm the wallflower.
I'm the person who is scared to death of crowds.
I'm the person who loves to laugh.
I'm the girl who cries a lot.
I'm the girl who worries.
I'm the person who dreams.
I'm the person who wants to be funny.
I'm the person who set goals.
I'm the girl who doesn't talk about my problems.
I'm the bossy big sister.
I'm the person who builds barriers and tries to hide behind them.
I'm the person who tries to ignore life but can't.
I'm not an open book.
I'm the girl who is super shy.
I'm the girl that's to afraid of what people think of me to walk up and chat with them.
I'm the person who constantly battles with herself.

I hope that my next 15 years are more open and more outgoing.  That I let go of troubles and shake free of stress and worry.




Thank you for reading my blog! I hope you comment on it:) I love comments:D
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Your crazy random blogger,